Viking & Saxon legwraps

Known variously as legwraps, wickelbander or puttees, winingas are woven woolen strips which were wrapped around the lower leg among the Anglo-Saxon and Viking cultures.

These woolen bands are of a statistically uniform type, occuring among the textile remnants excavated from early medieval urban sites across Europe from Dublin, Ireland to the Finnish graves at Zalatovye. The bands are usually 3″-4″ wide (75-100 mm), and selvedges on both sides indicate the bands were woven to this narrow size rather than cut. The weave is almost invariably of a very fine quality ‘herringbone’ twill.

Methods of securing the winingas are subject to speculation. It is thought that the most common method was simply tucking in the loose ends, although there is occassional evidence of more elaborate methods. This excellent  YouTube video that I came across should give you some ideas.